
On Personal Websites

I saw Robb Knight talking about something called WeblogPoMo2024 a few days ago and thought, yeah that sounds like a good idea, I've been meaning to post more regularly, perhaps once a week, and I too have a folder of unfinished drafts.

I went through my various drafts and saw a few that don't exactly make sense as blog posts, things like small one off coding projects, or one simply titled "Bread", with no content (I make bread sometimes).

The current iteration of my website only has a blog, and I can't remember when I took out the other sections. (Internet Archive says around 2010).

This led me down another path of looking into the term "digital garden" and also thinking about "personal knowledge bases", which reminded me of another draft blog post titled "How do you find information when search engines are a dump of SEO rubbish" - maybe I need to collect information better?

With all that said, I realised that what I'd been thinking about is: what is the point of a personal website, or more specifically what is the point of my personal website? Recently I've found the process of writing about things I'm thinking about has been really helpful for understanding and developing those thoughts. In the past my blog posts have been either collecting things I've done/worked on, or writing down answers to technical problems that took my a while to understand.

I'm wondering now about expanding my website beyond just a blog again, but this time leaning more into it being a place where I write down information that I collect, in a somewhat organised manner (like a personal knowledge base of things I know), which may help me find information as search engines continue to collapse. And then bringing back categorisation or tagging of posts & pages to better link them together, like a digital garden.

But still keeping the blog - but perhaps primarily as a place for me to work out my thoughts by writing about them.